Source: Emcee Kerser Youtube
Month: March 2020
Hey Everyone, It’s been a very difficult week for the world and we hope that you guys are all doing alright.
Hey Everyone, It’s been a very difficult week for the world and we hope that you guys are all doing alright. We thought that we’d better give an update to anyone that was planning on seeing us at one of the six festivals we had remaining on our tour schedule for 2020. As of today, all of the festivals are cancelled with the exception of Right Now Festival, which has been rescheduled for the 14th of November and Big Pineapple, which has been rescheduled for the 21st of November. We hope that by then, things will have returned to ‘normal’ and that those two festivals can go ahead as planned. We have also pledged to the organizers of WoW Fest that we would return in the future to perform in Geraldton. Refunds are now available for all ticket-holders who purchased tickets to WoW Fest, One Tropical Day (Alice Springs & NT) and Greener Pastures. Tickets for Right Now Festival and Big Pineapple are still valid, but if you are unable to make the rescheduled dates refunds are available. It’s an incredibly difficult time for everyone, particularly the music industry. Everybody will be affected economically, whether they be artists, managers, promoters, road crew, venue staff, publicists, photographers – the list goes on. Taking this into account we’ve made the decision to return our deposits to the promoters involved and to pay our band and crew in full for the 4 shows that have been cancelled. As for us, we’re going to hunker down and work on our next album in earnest. We have a bunch of beats from some of Australia’s best producers, a handful of demos and a ton of ideas. I’m actually pretty excited, but that excitement is definitely tempered by everything that’s going on. We can’t view this situation solely through our own prism. We need to think and act as a community. It’s a dark time right now, but if we all do our best, hopefully we can minimize the impact of this pandemic. Make sure to reach out to anyone within your family and friendship group that is vulnerable or alone. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Source: Hilltop Hoods on Facebook
Start em young!! #coronavirusactivities #dadlife #dad&boy
Start em young!! #coronavirusactivities #dadlife #dad&boy
Source: Downsyde on Facebook
Ok so we’re all in it together now

Bushfires, floods, coronavirus. 2020 has been a ride and we’re less …than a 1/4 deep. Take care of your fam, take precautions and think particularly about the oldies around you (and ppl with underlying health conditions). We’ll get through it 😎 💚 from me and my woif See More
Source: Urthboy on Facebook