‘The Come Down Was Real’ Originally, the verses were written for my previous album ‘Seven…

‘The Come Down Was Real’ Originally, the verses were written for my previous album ‘Seven Mirrors’. It was a traditional break-up song loaded with a whole lot of stuff I felt I needed to get off my chest. The age old venting process. Ive always used my music like any other writer, I guess – as a step towards healing, and in hope that it may be able to help one or two other listeners that are going through a similar situation. I felt a little bit torn whether to release this or not, as we had parted years before, on good terms and I didn’t want to cause any undue pain. But I figured my discography would be pretty slim if I allowed myself to question the ripple-on effect of each song I wrote. This was written by myself and my good buddy @timothynelsonmusic, who you hear all the way through on different instrumentation and the vocal feature under the alias @indoor_fins. We rewrote this a bunch of times before it got to the stage where it now sits forever on the astral planes of the Internerd. One chorus I wrote was about getting a green jumper back. I’m happy Tim didn’t like that option. And yes, I understand I have a very pronounced Adams apple. Collage by the amazing @isabelchiaracollage.

Source: Drapht on Facebook

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