We are very sad to learn of Neville Clark’s passing

We are very sad to learn of Neville Clark’s passing. Neville has been our mastering engineer since we first rolled up at his door in Brompton with our debut EP, ‘Back Once Again’. Over the years we formed a working relationship, and more importantly a friendship, with Neville and his wife Ros. Debris (Barry) and Neville became particularly close, bonding over their shared love of sound and technology. Neville and Ros made an incredible team, both patient, kind and generous with their time.
Neville’s passing leaves a chasm in the South Australian music community, where he was universally liked, loved and respected.
He had a breadth and depth of knowledge about his craft that was unmatched. We can credit a lot of our success to Neville, who had an ear for sound that can’t be taught or learned. More importantly Neville was a loving father and husband and we are sending our condolences and all of our love to his family and friends. He will be sorely, sorely missed. Neville’s wife Ros has setup a GoFundMe page to raise money on behalf of The Leukemia Foundation of Australia, we’ve added the link should you wish to contribute. https://gf.me/u/ynx8gp

Source: Hilltop Hoods on Facebook

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