BLONDIEMAN can be described in many ways… human, blonde, possibly a man. He has been described as ‘the inimitable maestro’ by some. Whichever way you want to go you can’t sleep on his brand new album title B.O.A.T.
Following on from the Blondieman EP relesed late March, B.O.A.T is a cosmic journey through time and space ridding upon the jizz ejaculated from a half man, half dolphin being. The albums crazy artwork created by Bonnita Gillard, sets the scene. We really didn’t need another album cover with a fake plastic wrapping design.
There’s just no denying the level that this project sits upon. Forget trends, forget dickheads, forget artists who like to tongue fuck each others dickholes for triple j plays, this one in straight up in a lane of its own. No one does it like Phil Gektor.
Cop a facial from Blondieman’s latest release B.O.A.T out now.
Source: AllAussieHipHop.com