Hip-hop heavyweights Thundamentals – Tuka, Jeswon and DJ Morgs – bring you their fifth album, ‘I Love Songs’, their most progressive full-length yet.
Fans of the group will be familiar with their frequent political commentary, but in the midst of an increasingly turbulent society, Thundamentals have decided to focus their album on what’s been lost amongst the chaos: Love. As a result, ‘I Love Songs’ is an intensely personal listen, focusing on love in its varying forms, and showing Thundamentals’ undeniable writing ability in a more intimate light.
With the subject matter at hand, it’s no surprise that this is Thundamentals’ most effortless album, and their quickest to complete. ‘I Love Songs’ explores the isolation and broken romances that happen behind the scenes, away from the sold-out crowds and star-studded festivals. It’s an album of stark contrast, and brutally honest introspection that yearns for something more.
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